USD: 80.12

EUR: 90.16





Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy and Personal Information Processing Notice
Gorskiy city hotel respects the privacy of everyone who visits our hotel and uses our website. This Privacy Policy applies to personal data that:

  • provided to us when you stay at our hotel or travel with us (or make requests for hotel accommodation or travel with us), either by you or by the third party through whom you made a request or booking;
  • We receive from you when you visit the website of the Gorskiy city hotel, or which we receive as part of any interaction with you.

The following sections of this Privacy Policy describe the types of personal data that we collect, how and for what purposes we use this personal data, which persons we provide access to, as well as the options and rights available to you that you may exercise with regard to our use. your personal data. In addition, we will talk about the measures we take to protect personal data that we hold, and how to contact us for questions regarding our privacy policy, as well as in relation to the exercise of your rights.

1. Personal Data Operator
Limited Liability Company "ORBITA" (LLC "ORBITA" (Gorskiy city hotel)) is a personal data operator registered with the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications under the number 54-18-003919.

2. The personal data we collect
Full Name; year of birth; month of birth; Date of Birth; Place of Birth; address; marital status; social status; education; profession; revenues; nationality; health status; passport details: series, number, date of issue, organization issuing passport, address at the place of registration; address of the place of actual residence; TIN; the series and number of the certificate of state pension insurance; data of the policy of compulsory medical insurance; medical certificate information; data of education certificate: series and number, date of issue, name of educational institution, qualification for the document; certification information; information on advanced training; information on staff retraining; information about awards, promotions; contact information (home phone number, mobile phone number, work phone number, e-mail); information about military registration; employment record data: series, number, information on work experience, information on previous work places; the photo.

2.1 Personal data that you provide on a voluntary basis
We will collect, store and process information about you if you voluntarily provide us with such information in connection with the following:

  • when filling out a form on our website;
  • when filling out a registration card on paper;
  • by giving consent to receive marketing information from us;
  • when creating an online account and managing settings;
  • when contacting us by phone or in person (for example, in connection with a reservation);
  • when sending letters, emails or messages on social networks;
  • when you subscribe to receive services from us (for example, a newsletter, a blog, or a subscription to a page on social networks);
  • when requesting advertising information from us (for example, information about any of our products or services, including gift certificates of the Gorskiy city hotel);
  • when participating in a survey, competition or prize drawing; or
  • when providing us with content

The types of information we can get include:

  • passport and visa information, billing information, travel history and passenger details;
  • the dates of your stay at the hotel or travel with us and the associated costs;
  • data on the purchase or delivery of products or services;
  • reviews and opinions about our products and services;
  • information we receive from third parties through whom you made reservations;

Personal data "special category"
We do not collect data that is, by its very nature, particularly confidential (for example, genetic data, biometric data, data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, sexuality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs, health data, availability criminal record or union membership), if you do not provide them voluntarily.
We may use certain confidential data (or “special category data”) if you agree to this, to better serve you and meet your needs. Examples of sensitive personal data that we may collect and process include:

  • food allergies;
  • dietary requirements that may be related or indicate your religion, state of health, or other confidential personal data;
  • vehicle requirements;
  • disability;
  • health status.

2.2 Personal data that we collect automatically
When visiting the website of the Gorskiy city hotel, we may also collect some data using cookies and other automated tools. Cookies are small pieces of data that your browser stores on your hard drive. Such data may include the following data:

  • date and time;
  • source IP address;
  • domain name;
  • browser type and operating system used (if such data is provided by the browser);
  • URL of the page from which the link was made (if such data is provided by the browser);
  • the requested object;
  • status of the request;
  • geographical position; or
  • language preferences.

For more detailed information about cookies, their use and what options you have for collecting information on this site, click here.

3. Use of personal data
Gorskiy city hotel, as a provider of hotel business, has a legitimate commercial interest in running and improving its business and services. Therefore, Gorskiy city hotel uses and processes your personal data for:

  • creating content that will be relevant to our visitors;
  • improve our websites and social networking pages and ensure that the content on them is presented to you in the most effective way;
  • providing you with information, products or services that you request from us or that we believe may interest you;
  • facilitate booking, payment and other administrative processes related to your stay or journey;
  • evaluation and analysis of general trends and patterns related to our business;
  • ensuring the safety and security of our guests and visitors;
  • general reporting;
  • so that we can collect anonymous, aggregated statistics that allow us to understand how users use our website and help us improve the structure of our website;
  • so that you can book, buy gift certificates from the Gorskiy city hotel and make payments;
  • compliance with any legal and / or regulatory requirements;
  • providing products or services that you request from us, including the provision of personalized services; and
  • to improve our products and services, as well as to ensure that our products and services are of interest to you.

Even if the Gorskiy city hotel has a legitimate interest in the processing of your personal data, it will only process them so that it does not violate your interests, rights and freedoms to protect your personal data.

We may also use your personal data to protect against and prevent fraud, claims and other obligations, and to comply with or comply with applicable legal requirements, industry standards, and our policies and conditions. We use personal data for these purposes when it is necessary to protect, enforce or defend our legal rights, or when we must do so in accordance with applicable law.

In the situations described below, we will process your personal data only if you have given us your consent, and you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time (see the “Your Rights” section below):

  • for marketing and profiling purposes, which are carried out exclusively by the Gorskiy city hotel as the operator of personal data. Your decision to provide your data for such purposes is optional and will not affect your ability to stay in our hotels or use the requested services;
  • for all purposes related to booking, accommodation and providing you with the services you requested, which are carried out by the Gorskiy city hotel. Your decision to provide personal data (including special category / confidential personal data) is voluntary, but if you do not provide such personal data, you will no longer be able to use our services.

We can process your personal data both automatically and manually. We may use your personal data for other purposes, which we will indicate in a separate notice provided at the time of collecting such data.

4. Personal data sharing
We do not sell, do not otherwise disclose, and do not provide data about you that we collect and store, except as described in this Privacy Policy.

We may transfer your personal data to third parties as described below:

  • to third-party service providers who have been designated as data processors to perform functions and services on our behalf and who will be provided only personal data necessary to provide services on our behalf, and they are not authorized by us to use such data for any other purposes (e.g. service providers regarding web hosting, payment processing, information and computing systems, customer relationship management, booking and reservation management, marketing, auditing, hell ministry);
  • third-party suppliers of components of any package, excursion, transfer, organized activity / event or other services that we organize for you;
  • our consultants and insurers in the event of a claim, dispute or, if necessary;
  • if we are obliged to do this by law or in accordance with the judicial procedure, and in response to a request from law enforcement agencies or other representatives of state power;
  • our consultants and insurers in the event of a claim, dispute or, if necessary;
  • if we are obliged to do this by law or in accordance with the judicial procedure, and in response to a request from law enforcement agencies or other representatives of state power;

We reserve the right to transfer personal information about you if we sell or transfer our business or assets in whole or in part in accordance with applicable law. In the event of such sale or transfer, we will use reasonable efforts to instruct the assignee to use the data provided by you in accordance with this Privacy Policy. After such a sale or transfer, you can contact the legal entity to whom we have transferred your data with any requests related to the processing of this data.

5. Your rights
We will only send you marketing materials if you agree to receive such messages. You have the right to refuse to receive marketing newsletters, whether by email or otherwise, at any time. You can do this by clicking on the "Unsubscribe" link displayed in any of the marketing messages you receive, by email to we will send you marketing materials only if you agree to receive such messages. You have the right to refuse to receive marketing newsletters, whether by email or otherwise, at any time. You can do this by clicking on the "Unsubscribe" link displayed in any of the marketing messages you receive via email, how to contact us below.

If you are a “data subject” in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006, you will receive the following rights in relation to your personal data that we hold:

  • right of access - the right to request confirmation of our processing of your personal data and, in the case of such processing, to request a copy of such personal data;
  • right to correction - the right to request correction or updating of inaccurate, incomplete or irrelevant personal data;
  • right to delete - the right to request the deletion of your personal data in certain circumstances, for example, in cases where we collected personal data based on your consent, and you have withdrawn your consent;
  • the right to limit processing - the right to request a restriction on our use of your personal data in certain circumstances, for example, when we consider another request submitted by you, such as a request to update your personal data;
  • the right to withdraw your consent - if you have given us consent to the processing of your personal data, the right to withdraw your consent; and
  • right to transfer data - the right to ask us for a copy of your personal data in a structured, frequently used and machine-readable format in certain circumstances.
  • To protect your privacy and ensure security, we can take steps to verify your identity before we can respond to your request.

6. Data transfer
Cross-border transfer of personal data in the Gorskiy city hotel is not carried out.

7. How we protect your personal data
We use administrative, technical, and physical security measures designed to protect the personal data you provide against accidental, unlawful, or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure, or use. Service providers and contractors who may have access to your data to provide services on our behalf, in accordance with the contract will have to ensure the confidentiality of such data, use adequate data protection measures and do not have the right to use this data for any other purposes.

For your own protection, we recommend that you do not include confidential personal data, credit card details or similar personal data in any emails you send to us or our employees.

8. How long do we keep personal data
Gorskiy city hotel saves your personal data only for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected, except in cases where the storage of personal data for a longer period is required or permitted by law.

Your personal data will be transferred to an anonymous form or deleted if more than 7 years have passed since your last interaction with Gorskiy city hotel.

9. Links to other websites
Our websites may provide links to other websites for your convenience and informational purposes. These websites operate independently of us. Related websites may have their own privacy policies, which we highly recommend you to explore. Since the linked websites that you visit are not owned by us and are not controlled by us, we are not responsible for the content of such websites, any use of such websites or the privacy policies of such websites.

10. Cookies
A cookie is a data element that a website can send to your browser and which can later be stored on your system. We use cookies to collect data about visitors to our websites (because they allow us to improve our websites and provide better and more personalized service). We do not associate cookie data of a website visitor’s cookie with any other data about such visitor.
We use the following cookies on our websites if you agree to their use:

Cookie Name Function
ARPT Thanks to him, during a visit to the site, the user remains on the same server, which provides consistent functionality throughout the visit. This cookie is destroyed at the end of a site visit by a user.

Cookie Name Function



Due to it during a visit to the site, the user remains on the same server, which provides consistent functionality throughout the visit. This cookie is destroyed at the end of the user’s visit.


Due to it the user session is maintained and works in conjunction with ARRPT, which provides consistent functionality throughout the visit. This cookie is destroyed at the end of a site visit by a user.


Allows you to use flash technology to improve the display of the text (if supported by the user's browser). This cookie is destroyed at the end of a site visit by a user.


These three cookies allow you to track the geographic location of users and language preferences in order to display relevant and localized content whenever possible.


These cookies allow us to determine which of our marketing campaigns or internal promotions a user has visited, or to evaluate the effectiveness of campaigns / promotions.


These cookies allow us to identify the user and personalize their interaction with the site. They also allow you to automatically fill in the fields in the tables with your data using a form to fill out.

In addition, the following third-party cookies are used if you agree to their use (in accordance with the privacy policy and cookie policy of each individual cookie):

Third-party file



Adroll collects anonymous data about users of the Site. The technologies used allow Adroll to collect this data completely anonymously and allow us to provide interest-based advertising. Adroll's privacy policy is available at


AppNexus collects anonymous data about users of the Site. The technologies used allow AppNexus to collect this data completely anonymously and allow us to provide interest-based advertising. The AppNexus privacy statement is available at


BidSwitch collects this data completely anonymously and allows us to provide interest-based advertising. The BidSwitch privacy statement is available at


Microsoft collects anonymous information about site users, down to conversion, to track marketing effectiveness.

DoubleClick Advertising

Allows us to track (using data that does not personally identify users) the number and type of relevant search queries made by Google. The privacy policy is available at

Facebook Custom Audience

Allows Belmond to create an audience, using data that is stored on Facebook, to provide interest-based advertising

Facebook Like Button

Allows users to display our websites on their Facebook site. Privacy Policy available at

Google Adwords

Google Adwords collects anonymous information about site users, down to conversion, to track marketing effectiveness. The technologies used allow Adwords to collect this information completely anonymously. The privacy policy is available at:
You can opt out of using Google cookies in Google’s advertising preferences settings or through the Network Advertising Initiative.

Google Analytics

Tracks website usage (using data that does not personally identify users). The privacy policy is available at
You can opt out of using Google cookies in Google’s advertising preferences settings or through the Network Advertising Initiative.

Google Dynamic Remarketing

The Belmond Group uses Remarketing to advertise on the Internet. This means that third-party providers, including Google, will advertise on sites on the Internet. Google will use cookies to deliver advertising based on previous visits to this website.
The privacy policy is available at:
You can opt out of using Google cookies in Google’s advertising preferences settings or through the Network Advertising Initiative.

Google +1 Button

Allows users to display our websites in their Google + account. The privacy policy is available at


Hotjar uses cookies to process information, including standard online journal information and information about visitor behavior patterns when they visit our website. This is necessary in order to provide users with better interaction with the site, as well as to simplify the use of certain functions.


InPowered is a content distribution company with machine learning activities. This technology makes it easy to distribute content through planning, purchasing, managing, implementing, optimizing, measuring, and analyzing native advertising campaigns for advertisers and agencies, and also allows publishers to create, upload, post, submit, send, and report on campaigns conducted on their website and mobile apps


LiveRamp allows Belmond to apply CRM retargeting using anonymous cookies.
Maxymiser cookies enable Belmond to learn how our websites function and to optimize customer interaction with the website using analytical cookies. Privacy policy available at



Provides direct measurement of traffic and audience characteristics. Privacy Policy available at  


Qubit cookies collect non-personal information, for example, to learn about the behavior of visitors to our website and how they react to our marketing messages. The more we learn, the more effectively we can provide relevant and interesting content. Qubit provides a global rejection feature that you can use to disable all Qubit cookies Qubit


OwnerIQ collects anonymous information about users of the Site. The technologies used allow OwnerIQ to collect such information completely anonymously, and we can never identify your identity on the basis of such information obtained. Privacy policy available at


OpenX collects anonymous information about users of the Site. The technologies used allow OpenX to collect such information completely anonymously and allow Belmond to provide interest-based advertising. OpenX privacy policy is available at


Provides direct measurement of traffic and audience characteristics using data that does not personally identify users. Privacy Policy available at

Rocket Fuel

Provides direct measurement of traffic and audience characteristics. Privacy policy available at

Right Media

Right Media collects anonymous information about users of the Site. The technologies used allow Right Media to collect such information completely anonymously and allow us to provide interest-based advertising. Further information about Right Media can be found here:

Scorecard Research Tracking

ShareThis also uses Scorecard Research’s tracking feature, which places UID and UIDR cookies. Here you can manage your preferences or stop using Scorecard Research.


We use the ShareThis feature to provide buttons on all pages that allow you to share our content. ShareThis also uses Scorecard Research’s tracking feature, which places UID and UIDR cookies. For more information on how to opt out of these cookies, see the ShareThis privacy policy.


Sizmek collects anonymous information about users of the Site. The technologies used allow Sizmek to collect such information completely anonymously and allow us to provide interest-based advertising. Sizmek privacy policy available at


Sojern cookies collect non-personal behavioral and travel interest data. The privacy policy is available at

Twitter Advertising

Allows you to use interest-based advertising. Privacy Policy

Yahoo Advertising and Campaign Tags

Allows us to track (using data that does not personally identify users) the number and type of relevant search queries made by Yahoo. Privacy policy available at


Allows users to search our websites in Russian. The privacy policy is available at

We do not control the use of such third-party technologies, and we are not responsible for any actions or policies of third parties. When accessing our websites, you will receive a noticeable notice that the website you are about to visit will use cookies and that:

  • by continuing to use the website, you consent to their use; or
  • You must click the “Accept” button to enable cookies.

If you did not change your browser settings to refuse cookies from our websites, our system will create cookies. Most browsers provide instructions on how to stop accepting new cookies, how to enable notifications when new cookies are received, and how to disable active cookies. You can find out how to do this in your specific browser by clicking the Help button in the browser menu or by visiting Please note that without the use of cookies you will not be able to take full advantage of our websites.

11. Updates to our Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically and without prior notice to reflect changes in the processing by us of your personal data and confidentiality measures. On our website, we publish a noticeable notice of any significant changes to our Privacy Policy and indicate the date of the last update at the beginning of the Privacy Policy.

12. How to contact us
If you have questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, the use of cookies, if you want to update personal data about you or your preferences, or to exercise your rights (as stated above), please contact our data protection specialist at mail

Ageev A.P. Head coach of FC Kuban The kitchen is amazing! All dishes are perfectly balanced in taste and preparation. We will recommend your Hotel to everyone. Special thanks to the staff for the warm attitude. Thanks!!!
Igor Sarukhanov Honored Artist of Russia Thank you for your hospitality! Hope to meet again! The stay was like being at ho
Grigoryev O.A. Regional Manager "220 v" Colleagues! I often go on regional business trips. And you know, this is probably one of the best hotels I have ever stayed at. Keep up the level! Get better! Thanks for the great service.
Korneeva Alexandra event manager of Iiko Iiko thanks the Gorsky City Hotel and the hotel’s conference service for accommodating guests, organizing and conducting the two-day event.
Larisa Zatonskih Director of AyurDent LLC, Novosibirsk We have opened again the season of conferences, courses and, as always, in Gorsky City hotel. Friendly, responsible, helpful staff. Many thanks for the sincere attitude to the General Manager of the hotel Oksana Vyalkova and our supervising manager Olga Guskova. I wish the hotel team in the new year to live up to all your expectations, be full of bright feelings and wonderful surprises.
Span Marco General Director of Gorenje BT LLC, Moscow On behalf of GORENJE, I express to the Gorskiy city hotel 4 * team sincere gratitude for hospitality, colobaration, excellent organization of a business event. We look forward to further cooperation and recommend Gorskiy city hotel 4 * as a reliable partner for conferences and accommodation of company employees
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  I accept terms of agreement on personal data processing" according to law No. 152-FZ "About personal data" of 27.07.2006


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  I accept terms of agreement on personal data processing" according to law No. 152-FZ "About personal data" of 27.07.2006

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  I accept terms of agreement on personal data processing" according to law No. 152-FZ "About personal data" of 27.07.2006

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  I accept terms of agreement on personal data processing" according to law No. 152-FZ "About personal data" of 27.07.2006


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  I accept terms of agreement on personal data processing" according to law No. 152-FZ "About personal data" of 27.07.2006